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Community Of Practice

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Community of practice

Communities of practice are groups of people, networks, or institutions sharing a concern, exchanging information or discussing ideas on a specific topic of common interest by interacting on an ongoing basis Objective: Building specialized knowledge by sharing lessons learned and tacit knowledge based on collective reflection of the experience of its members.


Building specialized knowledge by sharing lessons learned and tacit knowledge based on collective reflection of the experience of its members.

Community of Practice in Capstone :

  • To develop a community of practice among HEIs as well as organisations in the public and private sector and civil society to continue to develop competencies and skills in NCDs
    • To develop and implement a core set of 6 NCD content-focused courses
    • To obtain the accreditation for a new multi-organisational Master in Public Health (MPH) degree focused on NCD training in Ghana/The Gambia that incorporates the eight/six core courses
    • To embed the 6 core courses into existing MPH and MPhil programmes at the participating HEIs to provide specialization options and prepare the accompanying accreditation packages
    • To actively involve public and private stakeholders in curriculum development and delivery.

    The project has a major emphasis on partnerships with key governmental, public, and private stakeholders at every stage. The CoP will be an active body that will continue to adapt learnings and resources for new users and other contexts. It will organically expand with the broader rollout the new MPH and short course programmes within Ghana, the Gambia, and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa

    Capstone CoP